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Representing Women and Girls in Marin County Since 1974
The mission of the Marin Women’s Commission is to represent women and girls of diverse backgrounds and circumstances and advocate for equality through:
The first Women’s Commission originated on the presidential campaign trails of John F. Kennedy. He vowed to examine the issues and concerns facing women, established the first National Commission on the Status of Women, and in 1963 appointed Eleanor Roosevelt as the Commission’s first chairwoman.
The result of the investigation into women’s status revealed a staggering number of laws, regulations and traditions that actively discriminated against American women. Many states, including California, soon followed the national lead and created state commissions to investigate how the state governments hindered women’s full and equal status. But for some areas of the country, the commitment to equality stopped at the state level. Few, if any, local level commissions were created. But, as in many other areas of endeavor, Marin County was a trend setter. The Marin County Commission on the Status of Women was created by Ordinance #2078 by the Board of Supervisors in April, 1974.
Consisting of eleven members, two women from each Marin supervisor’s district plus one at-large representative, the first commission in 1974 set the tone for all those that followed. Many problems were identified, the most significant being the way in which unequal practices at the county government impacted women. The Commission lobbied for the establishment of affirmative action guidelines in the county government’s hiring and promotion procedures. This led to the creation of an Affirmative Action Advisory Committee as part of the county’s Personnel Commission. One result was the elimination of employment recruitment through “Male Wanted” and “Female Wanted” segregated categories. Another was the removal of artificial sex-based practices in hiring. Eventually, the Affirmative Action Committee changed the way managerial career tracks were developed and how salary levels were established, including “equal pay for equal work” and “comparable worth” policies. To this day, Commission participation in this area continues.
Another area of concern was the impact of criminal justice procedures. Within a year of the Commission’s investigation, the county established the women’s facility at the Honor Farm, which brought women’s treatment while incarcerated into parity with that of male inmates.
Another criminal justice issue was women’s experience in the system as victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. In 1977, the Commission worked in conjunction with the Marin chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) to lay the foundation for the establishment of an abused women’s shelter. Within a year, the Marin Abused Women’s Services (MAWS) had been created.
The first Women’s Commission originated on the presidential campaign trails of John F. Kennedy. He vowed to examine the issues and concerns facing women, established the first National Commission on the Status of Women, and in 1963 appointed Eleanor Roosevelt as the Commission’s first chairwoman.
The result of the investigation into women’s status revealed a staggering number of laws, regulations and traditions that actively discriminated against American women. Many states, including California, soon followed the national lead and created state commissions to investigate how the state governments hindered women’s full and equal status. But for some areas of the country, the commitment to equality stopped at the state level. Few, if any, local level commissions were created. But, as in many other areas of endeavor, Marin County was a trend setter. The Marin County Commission on the Status of Women was created by Ordinance #2078 by the Board of Supervisors in April, 1974.
Consisting of eleven members, two women from each Marin supervisor’s district plus one at-large representative, the first commission in 1974 set the tone for all those that followed. Many problems were identified, the most significant being the way in which unequal practices at the county government impacted women. The Commission lobbied for the establishment of affirmative action guidelines in the county government’s hiring and promotion procedures. This led to the creation of an Affirmative Action Advisory Committee as part of the county’s Personnel Commission. One result was the elimination of employment recruitment through “Male Wanted” and “Female Wanted” segregated categories. Another was the removal of artificial sex-based practices in hiring. Eventually, the Affirmative Action Committee changed the way managerial career tracks were developed and how salary levels were established, including “equal pay for equal work” and “comparable worth” policies. To this day, Commission participation in this area continues.
Another area of concern was the impact of criminal justice procedures. Within a year of the Commission’s investigation, the county established the women’s facility at the Honor Farm, which brought women’s treatment while incarcerated into parity with that of male inmates.
Another criminal justice issue was women’s experience in the system as victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. In 1977, the Commission worked in conjunction with the Marin chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) to lay the foundation for the establishment of an abused women’s shelter. Within a year, the Marin Abused Women’s Services (MAWS) had been created.
The first Women’s Commission originated on the presidential campaign trails of John F. Kennedy. He vowed to examine the issues and concerns facing women, established the first National Commission on the Status of Women, and in 1963 appointed Eleanor Roosevelt as the Commission’s first chairwoman.
The result of the investigation into women’s status revealed a staggering number of laws, regulations and traditions that actively discriminated against American women. Many states, including California, soon followed the national lead and created state commissions to investigate how the state governments hindered women’s full and equal status. But for some areas of the country, the commitment to equality stopped at the state level. Few, if any, local level commissions were created. But, as in many other areas of endeavor, Marin County was a trend setter. The Marin County Commission on the Status of Women was created by Ordinance #2078 by the Board of Supervisors in April, 1974.
Consisting of eleven members, two women from each Marin supervisor’s district plus one at-large representative, the first commission in 1974 set the tone for all those that followed. Many problems were identified, the most significant being the way in which unequal practices at the county government impacted women. The Commission lobbied for the establishment of affirmative action guidelines in the county government’s hiring and promotion procedures. This led to the creation of an Affirmative Action Advisory Committee as part of the county’s Personnel Commission. One result was the elimination of employment recruitment through “Male Wanted” and “Female Wanted” segregated categories. Another was the removal of artificial sex-based practices in hiring. Eventually, the Affirmative Action Committee changed the way managerial career tracks were developed and how salary levels were established, including “equal pay for equal work” and “comparable worth” policies. To this day, Commission participation in this area continues.
Another area of concern was the impact of criminal justice procedures. Within a year of the Commission’s investigation, the county established the women’s facility at the Honor Farm, which brought women’s treatment while incarcerated into parity with that of male inmates.
Another criminal justice issue was women’s experience in the system as victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. In 1977, the Commission worked in conjunction with the Marin chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) to lay the foundation for the establishment of an abused women’s shelter. Within a year, the Marin Abused Women’s Services (MAWS) had been created.
In 1982, Commission members decided to expand their information base on the needs of Marin women. Receiving a small grant from the San Francisco Foundation, they hired a consultant and began to review the areas where women’s needs were not addressed. Public hearings were conducted in each district and each agency in the county was queried about the level of service provided to females.
In 1994, in response to a growing workload, the Commission was expanded to seventeen members-to include three representatives from each supervisor’s district and two at-large members. The Commission was also renamed the “Marin Women’s Commission”
Recent efforts on behalf of Marin women have been in the area of economic parity. After an extended study, the 1996 Commission report “Where Do We Stand?” documented the continuing gap between men and women in regards to economic resources and access. In 1998, the Commission released a “Salary and Workforce Analysis” with results of a systematic survey of salaries and workforce practices at the county government. The recommendations included in this study are now a permanent part of the hiring and employment policy for county employees.
In 2001, the Commission focused on the high incidence of breast cancer in Marin County. In partnership with Marin General Hospital’s Breast Cancer Center, a translator training project was implemented to support non-English speaking women. The Commission also participated in “Beyond Breast Cancer Awareness”, in collaboration with the Breast Cancer Coordinating Council and the Board of Supervisors, to pay tribute to the dedicated organizations in Marin supporting women with breast cancer.
Today, the Marin Women’s Commission continues to promote equal opportunity, economic independence, and access to resources for Marin County women through advocacy, research and partnership with agencies that serve women.